Page ID: 668

What is Cross Cultures?

Cross Cultures is a media, events and consultancy platform founded by journalist and media personality Cheryl Tiu on the premise that food is one of the most accessible ways of exchanging and learning about different cultures. It is the sharing of culinary experiences and talents between chefs and cooks, between countries and continents—a mechanism for discovering new flavors and cultures.

We aim to remove misconceptions and boundaries, in order to better connect and integrate, and build a global community.


We work with chefs from Michelin-starred and World’s 50 Best restaurants, private kitchens and food movements, in our quest to promote cultural and culinary exchanges. To date, we have done events in Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York, Boston and Miami.

Consultancy Services

In 2021, we started offering consultancy services, working intentionally with brands with strong giving back components, sharing the all-encompassing goal of helping make the world a better place through food and beverage offerings. Some of our services include restaurant and chef partnerships, curating culinary programs and creating social causes storytelling campaigns.

Women in F&B – Changemakers

In May 2020, we launched Cross Cultures Changemakers, a new series spotlighting women in the F&B ecosystem who are creating and doing, leading the way and helping better the world. Follow us on Instagram here. 

What we did at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic

We began using Cross Cultures as a venue for chefs to share their recipes— super simple, easy-to-make at home (with ingredients in the pantry and the refrigerator)— that you can prepare in your kitchen– in a series called HOME COOKING TOGETHER.